Humanise your brand with behind the scenes videos
One of the things we frequently say to our clients is that video brings value to your business. No, we’re not talking about money (although it certainly can do this!). We mean brand value, which is extremely worthwhile in the long-term.
Brand value is the difference between a faceless corporation and a personable company that consumers feel good about purchasing from. It’s turning a corporate, stuffy appearance into one that’s friendly, approachable and appealing.
When people start to trust your business, they’ll start engaging with you. Once you’ve got their attention on social media you can start talking to them. Regular posts that focus on your business without trying to directly sell get your name stuck in consumers’ heads for all the right reasons.
Positive brand awareness stays with us. It influences our purchasing decisions without us even realising it. When we think of buying a product or service, it’s the companies that we have emotional attachments or frequent interaction with that we think of first.
One of the most effective ways to humanise your brand and create a tribe of loyal, engaged customers is by sharing behind the scenes videos.
What is a behind the scenes video?
Behind the scenes, (or ‘BTS’) videos show what goes on away from the public eye. It gives consumers an insight into what makes the cogs turn in your business. Examples might include:
- Chefs preparing food in a restaurant or café
- Artists putting the finishing touches to their latest work
- Showing fresh product growing in the fields before harvest
- Exploring manufacturing processes – how is your product made?
- Explaining how your products are packaged to keep them safe in the post
- Giving an insight into what goes on during meetings with your clients
- A time-lapse video of an event being setup
- ‘Day in the life’ videos showing a typical working day in your business
- Showing how you maintain your equipment or location
- Before and after shots of a project or product you’ve been working on
- Short story videos of events or milestones that your business is celebrating
The benefits of behind the scenes videos
There is so much brand value in behind the scenes content. Here’s why you should embrace BTS:
Humanise your business
Seeing the faces behind the business allows consumers to get to know your brand. You’ll start to build relationships with people as they learn more about your team. Showing staff having fun and letting their personalities shine through isn’t ‘unprofessional’ – in fact; it’s hugely beneficial!
Show the quality of your products or services
Knowing that you care about bringing a top-quality product increases consumers’ trust in your brand. Showing how you select raw materials, the manufacturing process, packaging process and quality control checks mean that potential customers understand the level of detail and love that you bring to your product.
Share your ‘why?’
Social media is all about storytelling. In today’s market, simply describing your product or service isn’t enough. Consumers want to know your ‘why’. Why did you start your business? Why do you offer those services? Why should they buy YOUR product instead of your competitor’s? A video is the most effective way to build a narrative and give people an emotional attachment to your business.
Build trust
This is similar to Point 2 above about showing the quality of your work. Behind the scenes, videos of you or your products helps to build trust as people get to see you working and feel like they are ‘getting to know you’. They can see your passion for your work which helps them to trust you enough to hire you or buy your products.
BTS Video Case study: Highclere Castle
Lady Carnarvon at Highclere Castle is the perfect example of how behind the scenes content can be used to build a following. Feedback from visitors clearly showed that people had a strong desire to find out more about what goes on at Highclere away from the public eye.
Lady Carnarvon began blogging about her experiences at Highclere, focusing on both her own personal life and stories from Highclere’s past. Her blog quickly became incredibly popular all over the world, with thousands of people reading the articles.
To allow an even greater insight into life at Highclere, Lady Carnarvon decided to incorporate video into her blogs – and that’s when she began working with us. To date, DS Videos have created over 30 videos for Lady Carnarvon and we continue to work regularly together.
Each behind the scenes video tells a different story and allows people to understand more about life at Highclere Castle.
These videos regularly get over 5,000 views on Facebook which is a fabulous indicator that this type of visual content is exactly what Lady Carnarvon’s followers want to see! Behind the scenes, videos are helping Highclere to gain new fans all over the world.
Here’s one of our favourite videos from this year. Just look at those cute little lambs!
We love creating behind the scenes videos! Not only are they fun for us to make, but our clients enjoy filming them too. Get in touch to get started with a behind the scenes video four business.